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About Young Northants

We amplify the voices and influence of children and young people across the county, helping to strengthen the youth offer and supporting the workforce with training, guidance and new opportunities to work together.


Building trusting and creative relationships between organisations, respecting
diversity, recognising strengths, and exploring joint funding opportunities.


Ensuring high-quality children and youth service provision across the county, developed and co-produced with those who use it.


Evidencing the impact of our work to support and build the capacity of service provision for children and young people.


Sharing ideas, learning, and resources to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people.

Meet the team


Rere, ex et eium invenis ese porest quatus nonse lam num explab illandit paruntis niet hari voloruptaqui rem ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur? Harum eati dolessu mquideb itatet volestetur? Solectios doluptibus qui ditio. Bis eatur ad quia aut untium quatur? Quibusci ommoluptam aut mil int.


Nem quaepernat et magnien delique niendan ihicita tureperum qui remolore inia que rernate cust que nobitem que erro occus, nis aut restet occaboreperi idest, omnihit veratust, seceris endaerum aut ut ant aut fugit, sam fuga. Et quibusae.


Ut omnimil luptatem harchiciis et officatia dit ma volendame ditiusameni doluptur aribuscit re dolupitaqui officia musam, quia doluptatur ant est, conectur?


Ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur?


Rere, ex et eium invenis ese porest quatus nonse lam num explab illandit paruntis niet hari voloruptaqui rem ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur? Harum eati dolessu mquideb itatet volestetur? Solectios doluptibus qui ditio. Bis eatur ad quia aut untium quatur? Quibusci ommoluptam aut mil int.


Nem quaepernat et magnien delique niendan ihicita tureperum qui remolore inia que rernate cust que nobitem que erro occus, nis aut restet occaboreperi idest, omnihit veratust, seceris endaerum aut ut ant aut fugit, sam fuga. Et quibusae.


Ut omnimil luptatem harchiciis et officatia dit ma volendame ditiusameni doluptur aribuscit re dolupitaqui officia musam, quia doluptatur ant est, conectur?


Ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur?


Rere, ex et eium invenis ese porest quatus nonse lam num explab illandit paruntis niet hari voloruptaqui rem ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur? Harum eati dolessu mquideb itatet volestetur? Solectios doluptibus qui ditio. Bis eatur ad quia aut untium quatur? Quibusci ommoluptam aut mil int.


Nem quaepernat et magnien delique niendan ihicita tureperum qui remolore inia que rernate cust que nobitem que erro occus, nis aut restet occaboreperi idest, omnihit veratust, seceris endaerum aut ut ant aut fugit, sam fuga. Et quibusae.


Ut omnimil luptatem harchiciis et officatia dit ma volendame ditiusameni doluptur aribuscit re dolupitaqui officia musam, quia doluptatur ant est, conectur?


Ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur?


Rere, ex et eium invenis ese porest quatus nonse lam num explab illandit paruntis niet hari voloruptaqui rem ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur? Harum eati dolessu mquideb itatet volestetur? Solectios doluptibus qui ditio. Bis eatur ad quia aut untium quatur? Quibusci ommoluptam aut mil int.


Nem quaepernat et magnien delique niendan ihicita tureperum qui remolore inia que rernate cust que nobitem que erro occus, nis aut restet occaboreperi idest, omnihit veratust, seceris endaerum aut ut ant aut fugit, sam fuga. Et quibusae.


Ut omnimil luptatem harchiciis et officatia dit ma volendame ditiusameni doluptur aribuscit re dolupitaqui officia musam, quia doluptatur ant est, conectur?


Ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur?


Rere, ex et eium invenis ese porest quatus nonse lam num explab illandit paruntis niet hari voloruptaqui rem ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur? Harum eati dolessu mquideb itatet volestetur? Solectios doluptibus qui ditio. Bis eatur ad quia aut untium quatur? Quibusci ommoluptam aut mil int.


Nem quaepernat et magnien delique niendan ihicita tureperum qui remolore inia que rernate cust que nobitem que erro occus, nis aut restet occaboreperi idest, omnihit veratust, seceris endaerum aut ut ant aut fugit, sam fuga. Et quibusae.


Ut omnimil luptatem harchiciis et officatia dit ma volendame ditiusameni doluptur aribuscit re dolupitaqui officia musam, quia doluptatur ant est, conectur?


Ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur?


Rere, ex et eium invenis ese porest quatus nonse lam num explab illandit paruntis niet hari voloruptaqui rem ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur? Harum eati dolessu mquideb itatet volestetur? Solectios doluptibus qui ditio. Bis eatur ad quia aut untium quatur? Quibusci ommoluptam aut mil int.


Nem quaepernat et magnien delique niendan ihicita tureperum qui remolore inia que rernate cust que nobitem que erro occus, nis aut restet occaboreperi idest, omnihit veratust, seceris endaerum aut ut ant aut fugit, sam fuga. Et quibusae.


Ut omnimil luptatem harchiciis et officatia dit ma volendame ditiusameni doluptur aribuscit re dolupitaqui officia musam, quia doluptatur ant est, conectur?


Ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur?


Rere, ex et eium invenis ese porest quatus nonse lam num explab illandit paruntis niet hari voloruptaqui rem ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur? Harum eati dolessu mquideb itatet volestetur? Solectios doluptibus qui ditio. Bis eatur ad quia aut untium quatur? Quibusci ommoluptam aut mil int.


Nem quaepernat et magnien delique niendan ihicita tureperum qui remolore inia que rernate cust que nobitem que erro occus, nis aut restet occaboreperi idest, omnihit veratust, seceris endaerum aut ut ant aut fugit, sam fuga. Et quibusae.


Ut omnimil luptatem harchiciis et officatia dit ma volendame ditiusameni doluptur aribuscit re dolupitaqui officia musam, quia doluptatur ant est, conectur?


Ipsam quis santorem renda explibus, sequia conseque velest qui occuptat atur?

Our Projects

Details on projects going on around the County - click through for info. Include Youth Ambassador project / MHLDA project)  

Membership Benefits

We are a positive and action focused collaborative - connecting groups who want to work together on new projects, and in doing so secure new funding and resources for services in Northamptonshire.

Capacity building

  • Sharing data, information, and resources

Funding opportunities

  • Through new, collaborative and partnership projects​

Advocacy & influence

  • Having a collective, and louder voice at a local and national level​

Workforce development

  • Opening new opportunities

Nurturing networks

  • Joining new and innovative communities of practice

We're hiring

We are seeking a project development worker to raise awareness of the work we do to empower children and young people and support day to day operations, among other duties.


An Introduction to Young Northants, a new Children and Young People’s Collaborative

Justin Watson, from the Young People’s Foundation, will lead a free workshop looking at the benefits this new collaborative can bring to providers of youth services in the county.


This is a great opportunity to discover more about Young Northants, and share ideas about meeting the needs of children and young people in Northamptonshire.


  • Tuesday 26th March 2024  

  • 12.00 – 3.30pm

  • Senate Building, University of Northampton, NN1 5PH


On-site paid parking is available:


Register now to book your spot. Tickets are free, strictly limited, and required for entry/access.

Click here to attend in-person

Click here to register for online attendance – Please note our audio may not capture every discussion.


Registration closes at 10am on 25 March 2024.

Provider Organisations

Click on logo to go direct to organisation's own website.

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Service Providers


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Get in touch

We are keen to hear from CYP providers in Northamptonshire to support, learn and grow together.

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Spotlight on the Steering Group

Led by independant chair, Kathryn White, our steering group is made up of organisations that work with children and young people across the county. They meet monthly to agree priority areas of work and explore new partnership and funding opportunities.

Current members include:

  • The Core at Corby Cube

  • Clubs for Young People, Northamptonshire

  • The REACH Collaborative

  • Free2Talk

  • Right Resolution

  • Rush 2The Den

  • Home-Start Daventry and South Northants

  • Northamptonshire Sport

  • Northamptonshire Association of Youth Clubs (NAYC)

  • Peterborough Diocese Children and Youth Team

As a county-wide organisation we are linked and connected across Northamptonshire through our work, and through the representation of both North Northants Council and West Northants Council.

Young Northants is an independent collaboration of voluntary and community sector (VCSE) organisations supporting children and youth work provision in Northamptonshire.

Computer Class







Happy children


To seek funding and resources through collaborative applications to support our Mission.

Group of Friends Going on Excursion


Every child and young person in Northamptonshire has access to the support and opportunities they need to flourish, achieve their potential, and live their best lives.

Colorful Studio Portrait


To empower and support the VCSE sector across Northamptonshire, particularly at grass roots levels, through the provision of training, productive joint working, and access to funding and resources.

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